I am new to R and trying hit an endpoint. I already have got the token. Now using that token i want to hit the endpoint and get the data.
The problem is in creating a nested dictionary
i am able to create:
what i want:
"c": {
Target/Final Code...
url <- "http:xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/xx?"
req <- httr::POST(url, body=body, httr::add_headers(Authorization = token))
among few things that i have tried...
body<- jsonlite::toJSON(data.frame(a=a, b=b) )
output: [{"a":"A","b":"B"}]
body2<- jsonlite::toJSON(data.frame(c=body ) )
gives error: cannot coerce class ""json"" to a data.frame
so probably something like this should have been done...
body2<- jsonlite::toJSON(data.frame(c=fromJSON(body) ) )
but output is... [{"c.a":"A","c.b":"B"}]
Then i tried...
json <- toJSON('{"a": ["A"],"b": ["B"]}')
body<- jsonlite::toJSON(data.frame(c=fromJSON(json) ) )
output: ["{\"a\": [\"A\"],\"b\": [\"B\"]}"]
... now i am completely lost and confused.
tried to understand: POST encripted request with JSON body on R Nested JSON to dataframe in R Convert Nested JSON Object into data Frame in R Import data from file contaning nested JSON objects in R
This demonstrates what you are trying to achieve. Without more code I dont know if this solves your problem.
body <- list()
innerBody <- list()
innerBody$a <- "A"
innerBody$b <- "B"
body$c <- innerBody
jsonlite::toJSON(body, pretty = TRUE)
{ "c": { "a": ["A"], "b": ["B"] } }