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Spring Roo, Hibernate, One to many relation creates additional table

I'm new to spring mvc, roo and hibernate.

I'm trying to create two tables with 1:M relationship.

For example, I want two entities, Person and Car. One person can have many cars.

I've created entities using Roo

entity --class ~.domain.Person
field string Name
entity --class ~.domain.Car
field string Name
field reference --fieldName owner --type ~.domain.Person
field set --fieldName ownedCars --type ~.domain.Car --class ~.domain.Person --cardinality ONE_TO_MANY 

Generated class for car:

public class Car {

    private String Name;

    private Person owner;

Generated class for Person

public class Person {

    private String Name;

    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private Set<Car> ownedCars = new HashSet<Car>();

However, in the database, there are 3 tables (insted of two)

Table CAR (as expected)

    "ID" NUMBER(19,0), 
    "NAME" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), 
    "VERSION" NUMBER(10,0), 
    "OWNER" NUMBER(19,0)

Table PERSON (as expected)

"ID" NUMBER(19,0), 
    "NAME" VARCHAR2(255 BYTE), 
    "VERSION" NUMBER(10,0)

and also PERSON_OWNED_CARS (which is not expected, it's not many to many relationship)


Why is the last table generated? What is the purpose of the last table, it's not many to many relationship? Can it be avoided? Am I doing something wrong?


  • I'm not sure how Roo manages this, but you need to link sides of bidirectional relationships with mappedBy:

    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "owner")
    private Set<Car> ownedCars = new HashSet<Car>();

    Otherwise they are interpreted as two different unidirectional relationships, and relationship from Person to Car is implemented via join table (it's a default behaviour for unidirectional one-to-many relationships).