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Including nodes in edge list with outdegree of 0 in igraph

I'm following up on a prior question I asked here: Calculating ratio of reciprocated ties for each node in igraph

The answers were very helpful, but I realized one of the calculations isn't coming out correctly. I'm trying to figure out the ratio of reciprocated edges to outdegree--in other words, what percentage of people I nominate as friends nominate me as a friend?

When students don't nominate friends (outdegree is 0), they're not included in my calculation of reciprocated ties. Since they can't have any reciprocated ties, I want their reciprocity to be calculated as 0. Their ratio of reciprocated ties/outdegree should also be 0.

Here's an example:


###Creating sample edgelist###
from<- c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "D", "D", "E")
to<- c("B", "C", "D", "A", "E", "D", "A", "B", "C", "E")
weight<- c(1,2,3,2,1,3,2,2,1,1)
g2<- as.matrix(cbind(from,to, weight))

###Converting edgelist to network###

###Removing self-loop###
g3<-simplify(g3, remove.loops = T)

Here, E's indegree is 1 and outdegree is 0. I create a self-loop for E so the indegree and outdegree vectors remain the same length, and then remove it.

Next, I see which nominations are reciprocated:


Then I create an edgelist from g3, and add recip to the data frame:

###Creating edgelist and adding recipe###
edgelist<-, what = "edges")
colnames(edgelist)<- c("from", "to", "weight")

edgelist<- cbind(edgelist, recip)

> edgelist
  from to weight recip
1    A  B      1  TRUE
2    A  C      2  TRUE
3    A  D      3 FALSE
4    B  A      2  TRUE
5    B  D      3  TRUE
6    B  E      1 FALSE
7    C  A      2  TRUE
8    D  B      2  TRUE
9    D  C      1 FALSE

This is where the trouble begins. Since E isn't in from, it's also not in the objects I create below.

Next, I create a table with outdegree and add vertex names:

##Creating outdegree and adding vertex IDs##
outdegree<-, mode="out"))

outdegree<-cbind(ID, outdegree)
colnames(outdegree) <- c("ID","outdegree")

Outdegree comes out just as I want it:

 ID outdegree
1  A         3
2  B         3
3  C         1
4  D         2
5  E         0

When I calculate the number of reciprocated ties for each node, E isn't included, since I use the from column from edgelist I discussed above.

##Calculating number of reciprocated ties##
colnames(recip)<- c("ID", "recip")

> recip
  ID recip
1  A     2
2  B     2
3  C     1
4  D     1

So that's where the problem is. If try to create a table with the ratio of reciprocated ties to outdegree, E isn't included:

##Creating ratio table##
ratio<-merge(recip, outdegree, by= "ID")
ratio< (recip$recip/ratio$outdegree)
ratio<- cbind(recip$ID, ratio)
colnames(ratio)<- c("ID", "ratio")

  ID     ratio
1  A 0.6666667
2  B 0.6666667
3  C 1.0000000
4  D 0.5000000

Ultimately, I want a row in ratio for E that equals 0. Since the ratio here would be 0/0 (0 reciprocated ties/0 outdegree), I'd probably get an NaN but I can convert that to 0 easily, so that would be fine.

I could work around this and export the data to Excel, run the calculations by hand, and keep it easy. But that won't help improve my coding skills, and I have a bunch of networks to run, so it's also pretty inefficient.

Any thoughts on how to automate this?

Thanks again for your help.


  • E is not showing up because E is not in the column from in the recip data frame! It is only in to.

    You can aggregate on both columns and then merge.

    r1 <- aggregate(recip~from,edgelist,sum)
    colnames(r1) <- c("ID", "recip")
    r2 <- aggregate(recip~to,edgelist,sum)
    colnames(r2) <- c("ID", "recip")
    recip <- merge(r1,r2, all = T) # all = T gives the union of the df's

    Which gives:

      ID recip
    1  A     2
    2  B     2
    3  C     1
    4  D     1
    5  E     0

    Also, with piplining:

    edgelist %>% 
        aggregate(recip~from,.,sum) %>% 
        rename(ID = from) %>% 
        merge(., edgelist %>% 
                     aggregate(recip~to,.,sum) %>% 
                     rename(ID = to), 
              all = T)