I am currently using logstash, elasticsearch and kibana 6.3.0
My log are generated at a unique id path : /tmp/USER_DATA/FactoryContainer/images/(my unique id)/oar/oar_image_job(my unique id).stdout
What I want to do is to match this unique id and to create a field with this id.
I m a bit novice to logstash filter but I don't know why it doesn't want to use my uid and always return me %{uid} in my field or this Failed to execute action error.
my filter :
input {
file {
path => "/tmp/USER_DATA/FactoryContainer/images/*/oar/oar_image_job*.stdout"
start_position => "beginning"
add_field => { "data_source" => "oar-image-job" }
filter {
grok {
match => ["path","%{UNIXPATH}%{NUMBER:uid}%{UNIXPATH}"]
mutate {
add_field => [ "unique_id" => "%{uid}" ]
output {
if [data_source] == "oar-image-job" {
elasticsearch {
index => "oar-image-job-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
the data_source field is to avoid this issue: When you put multiple config files in a directory for Logstash to use, they will all be concatenated
in the grok debugger %{UNIXPATH}%{NUMBER:uid}%{UNIXPATH} my path return me the good value
link to the solution : https://discuss.elastic.co/t/cant-create-a-field-with-a-variable-from-a-grok-match-regex/142613/7?u=thesmartmonkey
the correct filter :
input {
file {
path => "/tmp/USER_DATA/FactoryContainer/images/*/oar/oar_image_job*.stdout"
start_position => "beginning"
add_field => { "data_source" => "oar-image-job" }
filter {
grok {
match => { "path" => [ "/tmp/USER_DATA/FactoryContainer/images/%{DATA:unique_id}/oar/oar_image_job%{DATA}.stdout" ] }
output {
if [data_source] == "oar-image-job" {
elasticsearch {
index => "oar-image-job-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]