Search code examples

Google Indexing API - 403 'Forbidden Response'

I am making a call to the google indexing API for job postings:

private $client;
private $httpClient;

public function initClient($kernel)
    $this->client = new \Google_Client();
    $this->httpClient = $this->client->authorize();

public function sendJob()
    $endpoint = '';
    $content = "{
                    \"url\": \"URL_HERE\",
                    \"type\": \"URL_UPDATED\"

    $response = $this->httpClient->post($endpoint, array('body' => $content));

When making the call to the API, the response given is '403 - Forbidden' .

Any ideas what this error actually means? I have created the service account correctly but cannot replicate success from my dev enviroment.


  • Make sure that you have added the service account as an Owner in Google Search Console as described here:

    My problem was that we had multiple entries for the domain in the Search Console (with and without www and with and without https); after adding the service account as an owner to all 4 entries it's working.