I'm trying to set a state inside an array of object inside another array of object. I tried a lot of things but i can't find the good solution.
Here's my array:
this.state = {
Pages: [
image: undefined,
audio: undefined,
audioName: undefined,
subtitles: 'up',
Langs: [
lang: 'fr_FR',
text: '',
I'm want to modify this.state.Pages[i].Langs[y].lang or .text value. Does some have an idea ?
You can create a copy of the Pages
and Pages[i].Langs
arrays, and create a copy of the Pages[i].Langs[y]
object and overwrite the lang
or text
changeText = (i, y, text) => {
this.setState(previousState => {
const Pages = [...previousState.Pages];
const Langs = [...Pages[i].Langs];
Langs[y] = { ...Langs[y], text };
Pages[i] = { ...Pages[i], Langs };
return { Pages };