I am currently trying to set up a Laravel 5.6 project on Swisscom Application Cloud using the php-buildpack.
Unfortunately, my public/vendor folder does not get uploaded or gets deleted once uploaded after cf push. If I connect using cf ssh and navigate to the public folder, there is no vendor folder inside. I tried everything including removing everything from .cfignore.
"LIBDIR": "vendor",
"WEBDIR": "public",
"PHP_EXTENSIONS": [ "bz2", "zlib", "openssl", "tokenizer", "curl",
"mcrypt", "mbstring", "pdo", "pdo_mysql", "fileinfo", "gd",
"PHP_MODULES": ["fpm", "cli"],
"php artisan migrate --force",
"php artisan config:cache"
If I copy my public/vendor folder to public/vendor2, the folder is available on the server after cf push.
Edit: I need to mention that the public/vendor folder is not the folder created by executing composer install but includes all css/html/js files which need to be publicly available. They need to be added locally as some of them need to be built with npm or modified.
There is an issue with the PHP buildpack that makes cf push
ignore all folders with vendor
as the name.
As a workaround, you could create a symlink, for example, you could use a dir named my-vendor
and create a symlink to it using vendor
as the name:
$ cd public
$ mkdir my-vendor
$ ln -s my-vendor vendor
After deploying cf push .
you could veryfy via cf ssh .
and should have the symlink created public/vendor
, something like this:
vcap@aceb5ff2-a9dc-41f4-50be-f234:~/app/public$ ls -al app/public/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 vcap vcap 54 Aug 2 14:13 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 vcap root 4096 Aug 2 14:13 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 vcap vcap 501 Aug 2 14:01 index.php
drwxr-xr-x 2 vcap vcap 36 Aug 2 13:50 my-vendor
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vcap vcap 9 Aug 2 13:50 vendor -> my-vendor