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SpringBoot Junit testing for filters in Zuul

I'm new to Zuul J-unit testing. I have a couple of filters which is ChangeRequestEntityFilter and SessionFilter, Where I pasted my filtercode below. Can someone tell me how to write a Junit for the filter. I've searched and trying to use MockWire for the unit testing(Also I pasted my empty methods with basic annotations and WireMock port). I need at-least one proper example how this J-unit for Zuul works. I've referred the doc. Where I got what to do, but not how to do.

public class ChangeRequestEntityFilter extends ZuulFilter {

    private UtilityHelperBean utilityHelperBean;

    public boolean shouldFilter() {
        // //avoid http GET request since it does'nt have any request body
        return utilityHelperBean.isValidContentBody();

    public int filterOrder() {
        //given priority

    public String filterType() {
        // Pre

    public Object run() {

        RequestContext context = getCurrentContext();

        try {
            /** get values profile details from session */
            Map<String, Object> profileMap = utilityHelperBean.getValuesFromSession(context,

            if (profileMap != null) {
                /** get new attributes need to add to the actual origin microservice request payload */
                Map<String, Object> profileAttributeMap = utilityHelperBean.getProfileForRequest(context, profileMap);
                /** add the new attributes in to the current request payload */
                context.setRequest(new CustomHttpServletRequestWrapper(context.getRequest(), profileAttributeMap));

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            ReflectionUtils.rethrowRuntimeException(new IllegalStateException("ChangeRequestEntityFilter : ", ex));

        return null;


I know ,I'm asking more. But give me any simple working complete example, I'm fine with it.

My current code with basic annotations and WireMock port.

public class ChangeRequestEntityFilterTest {

    public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(8080);

    ChangeRequestEntityFilter requestEntityFilter;

    int port = wireMockRule.port();

    public void changeRequestTest() {



  • Have you tried @MockBean?

    "When @MockBean is used on a field, as well as being registered in the application context, the mock will also be injected into the field. Typical usage might be:"

    public class ExampleTests {
         private ExampleService service;
         private UserOfService userOfService;
         public void testUserOfService() {
             String actual = this.userOfService.makeUse();
             assertEquals("Was: Hello", actual);
         @Import(UserOfService.class) // A @Component injected with ExampleService
         static class Config {