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How to declare an iPhone app which has to run in the background?

Hey, I wrote an iPhone app which needs to run in the background. I did set up the properties in my info plist according to running in the background. The problem is that the app store lists iPhone 3G as well as "compatible device".

Is it possible to set up my info plist to get rid of the iPhone 3G in the app store?

I found one solution by adding 'opengles-2' to UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities - but it doesnt seem like the best way to do it?!



  • You can't discriminate directly on actual device types (3G versus iPhone 4 etc.), but as you note things in UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities may imply certain devices. However, there's a more direct route, read on...

    If you require multitasking compatible devices, that would be any device running iOS4 or higher. There's a setting in your XCode project's build settings that allows you to set the minimum required iOS for your app to run -- "iOS Deployment Target". Set this to "iOS4" and your app will only be available to multitasking enabled iDevices (which includes iPad with iOS4 or higher, btw). -- no, not enough, see comments below and Jules' link.