I want to extract year from a string. I got an incomplete solution. My string will be always like:
Please message mpg of jazz 2014 and 2015+ to my mobile number +123456789
I have tried the following regex;
preg_match_all('!\d{4}+| \d{4}+\W!', $str, $matches);
This will output the following array.
[0] => Array
[0] => 2015
[1] => 2014+
[2] => 1234
[3] => 5678
I need to get only the year portion with + symbol if any. I.e, i want only this:
[0] => Array
[0] => 2015
[1] => 2014+
Your \d{4}+| \d{4}+\W
pattern matches either 4 digits (note that the possessive {4}+
quantifier equals {4}
) or a space, 4 digits, and any non-word char.
You may use
See the regex demo
- word boundary\d{4}
- 4 digits\b
- another word boundary\+?
- an optional (1 or 0 occurrences) plus symbols.$re = '~\b\d{4}\b\+?~';
$str = 'Please message mpg of jazz 2014 and 2015+ to my mobile number +123456789';
if (preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches)) {
[0] => 2014
[1] => 2015+