I have a maxScript that requires to send the mac address of the user to a server and check if it is included in the allowed list.
I have to part fo getting the mac address and the server side is all set.
the only problem is that I want it to be sent by POST so there would be more security to it but I have no idea how to do that.
Okay, I finally figured it out. here is the complete code for getting the mac address and sending it to a server with HttpPost:
--Getting the mac address
NI = dotnetclass "System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface";
ALL = NI.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
MACAddress = ALL[1].GetPhysicalAddress();
print (MACAddress.toString());
--Encoding the mac address so it is sendable
A = (dotNetClass "System.Text.Encoding");
PostData = "macaddress=" + MACAddress.toString();
MData = A.ASCII.GetBytes (PostData);
--Creating the Post request
Req = (dotNetClass "System.Net.WebRequest").Create ("http://ip.mdfplan.com/");
Req.Method = "Post";
Req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
Req.ContentLength = MData.count;
--Writing the data in the request
S = Req.GetRequestStream();
S.write MData 0 MData.count;
--Sending the request and recieving the response
Res = Req.GetResponse();
ResStr = Res.GetResponseStream();
--Reading the respone
objReader = dotnetobject "System.IO.StreamReader" ResStr;
ResText = (objReader.ReadToEnd());