how to send authorization details in MOCK service or to pact verfier in PACT PYTHON
when i call API thorugh soapUI it is working fine but when i run it mock Json through Pact verfier , it is faling since i am not senidng Authorization details in request header or not adding in pact verfier. can u please help me how can send authorization details through request headers in PACT python?
def test_HappyPath (self):
mockurl = 'http://localhost:1234'
expected = {body:true}
pact.given (
'Given there is a valid form'
).upon_receiving (
'fetch all the info '
).with_request (
'/',headers={Authorization:'Bearer 58771381-333e-334f-9604-784'}
).will_respond_with(200, body=expected)
with pact:
result = callAPI ( mockurl )
self.assertEqual(result, expected )
Request and Authroization Info:
GET https: /v1/ forms/83359274-7ad6-4
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Authorization: Bearer 58771381-333e-334f-9604-ebf977ed7784
Content-Length: 0
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_162)
Please read as a starting point.
On the consumer side, what you have done is fine (although you might want a matcher if you are generating unique tokens).
On the provider side, you will want to pass the (as yet undocumented in pact-python) flag --custom-provider-header
option to the verification process[1], which allows you to override one or more headers with dynamic values (in your case, a live auth token).
This is assuming of course that you can't mock out the authentication system during provider verification.
Under the hood, a separate service[2] is spawned to do this verification. There is more info on this feature in the link provided.