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How to create multiple colors when expanding circle shape AS3?

So I am trying to figure out how to do this or if even possible. I create my circle shape dynamically through code and want to be able upon mouse_UP have the circle stop and when the mouse_DOWN is triggered have the circle keep expanding but with a new color. So on and so on adding new colors every time. I have the code setup to where it expands on mouse_DOWN and it changes color but it changes the whole circle color which is not what I want.

Here is the code I have:

//Create circle

        circle = new Shape();, 1); // Fill the circle with the color 990000 / 2, (stage.stageHeight ) / 2, cirRadius); // Draw the circle, assigning it a x position, y position, raidius.; // End the filling of the circle
        addChild(circle); // Add a child

//Enter Frame Function

private function logicHandler(e:Event):void 
        if (bDown)  // Have New color Expand from prev point with new color
            cirRadius ++;
  , 1); // Fill the circle with the color 990000
   / 2, (stage.stageHeight ) / 2, cirRadius);


//Mouse Listeners

private function onUp(e:MouseEvent):void 
        bUp = true;
        bDown = false;

    private function onDown(e:MouseEvent):void 
        bDown = true;
        bUp = false;
        randColor = Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF;

This is what I am aiming for:

enter image description here


  • You need a bit of logic here. Not tested, but I think it'll work.

    var aColor:uint;
    var aRadius:int;
    var aShape:Shape;
    // Subscribe for MOUSE_DOWN event.
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onDown);
    function onDown(e:MouseEvent):void
        // Set up the new color.
        // Set up the new circle and assign its reference to the variable.
        // The previous shape, if any, doesn't get destroyed,
        // just no longer accessible via the same variable.
        aShape = new Shape;
        aShape.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
        aShape.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;, 0x000000);
        // Put it UNDER all the other circles.
        addChildAt(aShape, 0);
        // Turn ENTER_FRAME handler on.
        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame);
        // Prepare to intercept the MOUSE_UP event.
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUp);
    function onFrame(e:Event):void
        // Increase the radius.
        // Draw the circle inside the last added shape.;;, 0, aRadius);;
    function onUp(e:MouseEvent):void
        // Turn ENTER_FRAME handler OFF.
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame);
        // Stop intercepting the MOUSE_UP event.
        stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUp);
    function changeColor():void
        aColor = 0x1000000 * Math.random();