There is a project which use Gatsby site generator. I run it on my Windows computer. I've set up it according to this manual. It runs. But when I change some sources, live reload doesn't work. As far as I can see it doesn't compile project when changes appears. If I restart the server by hands, my changes are available. How can I fix it? Or may be there are any ways to compile changes by handls without restarting the server?
It was happen on Windows OS only.
I've found the reason why live reload didn't work on Gatsby. It didn't work when the IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) Synchronization settings contain selected "safe write" option. According to documentation "Changed file is first saved in a temporary file. If the save operation succeeds, the file being saved is replaced with the saved file." When this option is unchecked, live reload on Gatsby works good. I don't know why, Grunt works with "safe write" option correctly, but Gatsby doesn't.