I am trying to create a combobox using the following code
s = cs | win32con.WS_BORDER | win32con.WS_TABSTOP | win32con.WS_VSCROLL | win32con.CBS_DROPDOWN | win32con.CBS_AUTOHSCROLL
dlg.append([130, "Comments", -1, (7, y-6, 60, 9), cs])
dlg.append([128, None, win32ui.IDC_COMBO1, (70, 20, 200, 10),s])
I get only a greyed out space without any dropdownlist
I am using Win32 as my GUI builder
Kindly help
The change has to be here
dlg.append([5, None, win32ui.IDC_COMBO1, (70, 20, 200, 10),s])