In trying to add a custom icon to Azure Maps, this doesn't seem to work. Given a list of venues with longitudes and latitudes.
for (var i = venues.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (i === 0) {
center: [
var img = new Image(); = "id_gmap_icon";
img.src = "images/marker1.png";
img.setAttribute("width", "100px");
img.setAttribute("height", "100px");
img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', null);
map.addIcon("gmap-icon", img);
var currPt = new[venues[i].Longitude, venues[i].Latitude]);
var currPin = new, {
title: String(i + 1),
fieldId: venues[i].FieldID,
icon: 'gmap-icon'
map.addPins([currPin], {
fontColor: "#000",
fontSize: 14,
iconSize: 1,
cluster: false,
name: searchLayerName + (i + 1),
textFont: "SegoeUi-Bold",
textOffset: [0, 0]
The image seems to load as a correct HTMLImageElement, but doesn't load into the map. If I change the icon to "pin-red" it loads with Azure's red pin.
What am I missing?
//Pre-load the custom pin image.
var pinImg = new Image();
pinImg.onload = function () {
//Add the pin image to the map resources. Give it a unique id.
map.addIcon('my-custom-icon', pinImg);
//Add a pin to the map and use the custom pin image.
var pin = new;
//Add the pin to the map.
map.addPins([pin], {
name: 'default-pin-layer',
icon: 'my-custom-icon',
iconSize: 0.5
pinImg.src = './Common/images/pins/showers.png';