If I do a find . -mmin -1
I get 'myfile' which was modified in last one minute.
But when I want to search a particular string in that file by doing
grep 'myString' myfile -mmin -1
I get the error invalid max count
I also tried
find . -name "myfile" -exec grep 'myString' myfile -mmin -5
I get the error find: missing argument to -exec
So my question is How do I grep or cat only the changes within a file which happened in last 5 mins. Now that I know the file name which was modified during that period.
Suggestions? Thanks in adv.
Grep doesn't have an mmin argument as far as I can see. It does have a -m argument with a number parameter. grep 'myString' myfile -m3
will stop after 3 lines containing myString. So, the error message means that 'min' in -mmin
is not a valid maximum count.