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how to use Azure node sdk to create a container with azure private ACR image

I have following piece of code trying to create a Azure container instance with private ACR image using Azure node sdk.

            let container = new client.models.Container();
            let acrcredentials = new client.models.ImageRegistryCredential();
            acrcredentials.server = '<acrreponame>';
            acrcredentials.username = 'username';
            acrcredentials.password = 'password';
            acrcredentials.password = 'password';
            console.log('Launching a container for client', client);

   = 'testcontainer';
            container.environmentVariables = [
                    name: 'SOME_ENV_VAR',
                    value: 'test'
            container.image = '<acrreponame><image>:<tag>';
            container.ports = [{port: 80}];
            container.resources = {
                requests: {
                    cpu: 1,
                    memoryInGB: 1
            container.imageRegistryCredentials = acrcredentials;
            console.log('Provisioning a container', container);

            client.containerGroups.createOrUpdate(group, containerGroup,
                    containers: [container],
                    osType: 'linux',
                    location: 'eastus',
                    restartPolicy: 'never'
            ).then((r) => {
                console.log('Launched:', r);
            }).catch((r) => {
                console.log('Finished up with error', r);

It gives me below error:

  code: 'InaccessibleImage',
   { code: 'InaccessibleImage',
     message: 'The image \'<acrreponame><image>:<tag>\' in container group \'testgroup\' is not accessible. Please check the image and registry credential.' } 


  • You are to create container group so you need to set imageRegistryCredentials in createOrUpdate method. Container doesn't have imageRegistryCredentials property.

    Delete invalid container.imageRegistryCredentials = acrcredentials;.

    And add imageRegistryCredentials:[acrcredentials], to createOrUpdate.

          containers: [container],
          osType: 'linux',
          location: 'eastus',
          restartPolicy: 'never'