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How to write Pester Unit Test for ranges of values with multiple decimals

I have a PowerShell function that returns value with multiple decimals from a range of values. How do I write Pester unit test for this kind of function. This kind of function is used to check version of some of applications like Outlook.

function randomVersion{
    $randomVersion= Get-Random -InputObject '', '', '', '', '', ''
    return $randomVersion


  • Any way you like, depending on what exactly you want to test - Pester is Powershell code, so you could do a regex match on the string pattern:

    randomVersion | should -Match -RegularExpression '^(14|15|16)\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$'

    Or you could write more code around it to test more things, e.g.

    function randomVersion
        Get-Random -InputObject '1', 'test', '', '', '', '', '', ''
    Import-Module -Name Pester
    Describe "Tests for randomVersion" {
        It "works" {
            $result = randomVersion 
            $version = $result -as [version]
            $version | Should -not -BeNullOrEmpty
            if ($version)
                $version.Major | Should -BeIn 14, 15, 16