The project is to have 30 linear motors execute commands simultaneously. My question is about the best way to structure the subroutines and if there is a better way to call them.
Screenshot of the work space and structure of the Control subroutine
As you can see I have the Control subroutine. Each rung of this subroutine calls the other subroutines bellow it in order. The Drive_Status_1 and 2 are called automatically. The other subroutines are only called when an 'examine on' element is true.
This way requires the changing of all the tags for each subroutine for each driver. Having to retype multiple tags and making sure not to miss any has already led to some annoying mistakes and I can only imagine it will get worse with 30 drives. Is there a better way?
You are doing fine. Many ways to skin a cat. Looks like your using a 1756-L82E, this processor has plenty of power to do what your asking. I just did a bottle filler/conveyor control project that is using 35 different drives. We're controlling them all via Ethernet i/P, I'm not even using a managed switch and we have no problems. They are all running at the same time. I rarely separate drives into subroutines, this example of 35 drives are all being controlled within one subroutine. I do how ever limit the setup/parameter data within the logic. I try to keep the logic as simple as possible. Config your drive then only use the necessary parameters within the logic. Cmd Examples: fwd/Rev, start/stop, fault reset, and speed cmd. Feedback Examples: Active, Faulted
Below is link to an example of a bare bones drive control scheme. Drive logic