I have a reactive form that has very interrelated validations. I created a class that have all the functions for cross field validation, but if I try to set it using Validators.validator it does not trigger the functions. If I just used {validator: MyValidatorClass.myCrossFieldValidator1}
this will work on that function, but I have more validators that I need to apply and its not good solution starting creating sub form Groups.
My code looks like this code but with other names
class MyValidatorClass {
static myCrossFieldValidator1 ...
static myCrossFieldValidator2 ...
static myCrossFieldValidator2 ...
and the form:
this.myForm = this.formBuilder.group({
field1: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.min(0), Validators.maxLength(2)]], // Done
field2: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)]],
field3: ['', [Validators.required]],
{ validator: MyValidatorClass .myCrossFieldValidator1 } // This works but only for one function myCrossFieldValidator1 and is not what I need
// I have tried with
validators & Validators: [MyValidatorClass .myCrossFieldValidator1
,MyValidatorClass .myCrossFieldValidator12
,MyValidatorClass .myCrossFieldValidator3]
// But this does not work );
Other solutions around here recommend to declare sub groups or apply the function to a fields but what I am looking is to apply multiple custom cross field validators to my group. Not sure what is wrong or if is a limitation of the technology. Angular in its example only shows the easy case of one validator function https://angular.io/guide/form-validation#cross-field-validation
validator: can be a single validator function, or an array of validator functions
this.myForm = this.formBuilder.group({...},
{ validator: [ MyValidatorClass.myCrossFieldValidator1 ,
MyValidatorClass.myCrossFieldValidator12 ,