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Powershell - Out of Memory Error When Running Script Against Large Directory

So I have a script that gets the filename of songs contained in a CSV list and checks a directory to see if the file exists, then exports the missing information if there is any. The CSV file looks something like this:

CSV List

Now, my script seems to work when I test on a smaller directory but when I run it against my actual directory contained on an external drive (about 10TB of files), I get a "system.outofmemoryexception" error before the script can complete.

$myPath = 'Z:\Music\media'
        $myCSV = 'C:\Users\Me\Documents\Test.csv'
        $CSVexport = 'C:\Users\Me\Documents\Results.csv'

    $FileList = Get-ChildItem $myPath -Recurse *.wav | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -Unique
    Import-CSV -Path $myCSV | 
        Where-Object {$FileList -notcontains $_.Filename} |
        Select ID, AlbumTitle, TrackNo, Filename | Export-CSV $CSVexport -NoTypeInformation

    $missing = Import-CSV $CSVexport | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Filename
        Write-Output "Missing files:`n" $missing}

Is there a way to make this script consume less memory or a more efficient way to do this against a large directory of files? I am new to Powershell scripting and am having trouble finding a way around this.


  • When @TheIncorrigible says iteratively he means something like this. Please note I am using different file paths since I don't have Z: drive. The best way would be to load up your csv items in a variable then iterate through that variable using a foreach loop, then for each one of those items testing to see if file exist, then if it does not add that item to a new variable. Once complete then export the new variable containing the missing items to csv.

    $myPath = "C:\temp\"
    $myCsv = "C:\temp\testcsv.csv"
    $CSVexport = "C:\temp\results.csv"
    $CsvItems = Import-Csv -Path $myCsv
    foreach($item in $CsvItems)
        $DoesFileExist = Test-Path ($myPath + $item.Filename) 
        If($DoesFileExist -eq $false)
            $MissingItems = $MissingItems + $item
    $MissingItems | Export-Csv $CSVexport -NoTypeInformation