I need to produce an XML fragment such as the following:
I'm writing this sql:
select la.tisa_idcorpusdomclick [id]
select a.tisa_code [flat/flat_id]
from tisa_Article a
a.tisa_LayoutId = la.tisa_LayoutId
and a.tisa_ArticleId = la.tisa_ArticleId
for xml path('flats'), type
from (
select l.tisa_idcorpusdomclick
from tisa_layout l left join
tisa_article a on a.tisa_LayoutId = l.tisa_LayoutId
where l.tisa_idcorpusdomclick is not null
and a.statuscode = 4
and a.tisa_ArticleTypeCode = 2) la
for xml path('building'), root('buldings')
thats returns me incorrect xml. I need to put all flats into node building - > flats. Any ideas?
Try this in SSMS and see if it gets you moving in the right direction.
DECLARE @building TABLE ( id VARCHAR(10) );
INSERT INTO @building ( id ) VALUES ( '126433' );
DECLARE @flats TABLE ( id VARCHAR(10), flat_id VARCHAR(50) );
INSERT INTO @flats ( id, flat_id ) VALUES ( '126433', 'NK-01-15-01-072' ), ( '126433', 'NK-01-17-01-082' );
bldg.id, flats.flats AS 'flats'
FROM @building bldg
SELECT flat.flat_id FROM @flats flat WHERE flat.id = bldg.id ORDER BY flat.flat_id FOR XML PATH( 'flat' )
) AS XML ) AS flats
) AS flats
ORDER BY bldg.id
FOR XML PATH( 'building' ), ROOT( 'buildings' );