I have a post request which I want it to map the response to different objects for 2 api who call it. The request always return BookResponse.
Here I map the response to return the book name:
public Mono<String> getBookName(BookRequest bookRequest) {
return client
.doOnError(throwable -> logError(throwable));
and here same call just map the response to other Object which contains the book author + the request object:
public Mono<BookObject> getBookName(BookRequest bookRequest) {
return client
.map(bookResponse -> new BookObject(bookResponse.getName(), bookRequest)
.doOnError(throwable -> logError(throwable));
Is there a way to do it without copy the code? Thanks
I would extract the common code into a separate method:
public Something getSomething() {
Then, in your methods you simply need to do something like:
Something something = getSomething();
return something.map(bookResponse -> new BookObject(bookResponse.getName(), bookRequest).doOnError(throwable -> logError(throwable));
Something something = getSomething();
return something.map(BookResponse::getBookName).doOnError(throwable -> logError(throwable));