I have this body of code that verifies rows in a DataGridView. It checks if the content of a cell in that row is between 0 to 10 and if it is 11+, it would be highlighted Red.
The issue that I have come across is that even if all numbers are within 0-10, the last row in the row would be highlighted Red. Is this some sort of end of file situation?
In the code, if the cell is null, nothing happens. So I figured the last row should have nothing done to it as well (as long as it is 0-10)
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
If Not row.Cells("F3").Value Is DBNull.Value Then
Dim cellNumber As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(row.Cells("F3").Value, cellNumber) AndAlso cellNumber >= 0 AndAlso cellNumber <= 10 Then
'All pass verification, Do nothing
'Point out the wrong value
row.Cells("F3").Style.BackColor = Color.Red
End If
' MessageBox.Show("Not a number!")
End If
I figured out the line that I was missing .. I had to add:
AndAlso Not row.Cells("F11").value Is Nothing
to have :
If Not row.Cells("F3").Value Is DBNull.Value AndAlso Not row.Cells("F11").value is Nothing Then