I try to run a Python script which is a demo from PyForms, which uses PyQt5, SIP and obviously QScintilla.
import pyforms
from pyforms import BaseWidget
from pyforms.controls import ControlText
from pyforms.controls import ControlButton
class Application(BaseWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(Application, self).__init__('Name of the app')
#Definition of the forms fields
self._firstname = ControlText('First name', 'Default value')
self._middlename = ControlText('Middle name')
self._lastname = ControlText('Lastname name')
self._fullname = ControlText('Full name')
self._button = ControlButton('Press this button')
I had a lot of trouble to come to this point. One hurdle was to get the suitable PyQt5-Version in combination with SIP. Now Pydev(Eclipse) prompts me the following:
QScintilla2 not installed
DLL load failed: Die angegebene Prozedur wurde nicht gefunden.
(translation DE -> EN: The given procedure couldn't be found)
QScintilla2 is installed and I tried to reinstall in different versions many times. I have no matter how to fix this with PIP.
The current versions under Windows 8
Python: 3.7
PyForms: 3.0.0
AnyQt: 0.0.8
PyQt5: 5.10.1
PyQt5-sip: 4.19.12
QScintilla: 2.10.7
sip: 4.19.8
For people who want to know my previous fix for the PyQt5/sip hurdle: Stackoverflow | Answer from user ntaro
If you need further information, let me know it, please!
I uninstalled and installed the latest versions of
Order: SIP -> PyQt5 -> QScintilla -> Pyforms
Works now!