is it possible to "extract" the first 3 elements of an array, then shuffle this 3 elements and add them back to the array?
It's a slider and the first 3 slides should be random displayed on every pageload ...
Could someone help?
public function shuffle( $data ) {
// Return early there are no items to shuffle.
if ( ! is_array( $data['slider'] ) ) {
return $data;
// Prepare variables.
$random = array();
$keys = array_keys( $data['slider'] );
// Shuffle the keys and loop through them to create a new, randomized array of images.
shuffle( $keys );
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$random[$key] = $data['slider'][$key];
// Return the randomized image array.
$data['slider'] = $random;
return $data;
/* ----------------------- UPDATE ----------------------- */
This is how it works for me, but why? Im relative new to php ;D
public function shuffle($data) {
// Return early there are no items to shuffle.
if (!is_array($data['slider'])) {
return $data;
$sliced_array = array_slice($data["slider"], 0, 3, TRUE);
// Shuffle the keys and loop through them to create a new, randomized array of images.
$data['slider'] = $sliced_array + array_slice($data["slider"], 0);
return $data;
Yes, its possible. You were on right track. With a few tweaks it worked well.
public function shuffling($data) {
// Return early there are no items to shuffle.
if (!is_array($data['slider'])) {
return $data;
$sliced_array = array_slice($data["slider"], 0, 3, TRUE);
// Shuffle the keys and loop through them to create a new, randomized array of images.
foreach ($sliced_array as $key => $value) {
$data['slider'][$key] = $value;
return $data;
I've tried with sample array like:
shuffling(["slider" => [
0 => "A",
1 => "B",
2 => "C",
3 => "D",
4 => "E",
And result is:
[slider] => Array
[0] => B
[1] => C
[2] => A
[3] => D
[4] => E
Note: shuffle
is already function defined in php. That's why I've changed name to shuffling