I'm slowly learning my way through python and Maya, so I'm probably doing something wrong.
So, for some reason, when I use polyInfo, it returns the wrong information. Example, on the basic plane, I select one vertice and execute the following command.
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.polyInfo(ve = True)
It returns
# Result: [u'VERTEX 48: 93 90 72 92 \n'] #
Those vertices aren't relative at all to the one I selected. Hell, sometimes, it returns non-existing vertices, depending on the selected one.
I don't know if relevant, but I have the same result in MEL with
polyInfo -ve
The doc isn't useful to me and I have a hard time finding someone with a similar problem.
What's the deal here?
What do you want to query ? Can you give an example of your script.
The flag -ve return from maya documentation : Returns the Edges connected to a vertex. Requires vertices to be selected. http://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/2011help/CommandsPython/polyInfo.html
Are you feeding the command with a selection : i.e :
edges = cmds.polyInfo("pPlane1.vtx[48]", ve=True)
so it is giving as output : 'VERTEX 48:'
selection is vertex number 48 (a single one at the moment), ' 93 90 72 92 '
and it is connected to 4 edges with the indexes : 93, 90,72,92
here is an example code to select the edges:
edges = cmds.polyInfo(['pPlane1.vtx[54]', 'pPlane1.vtx[43]'], ve=True)
selOut = []
for i in edges:
# split the indexes
indexes = i.split(':')[-1].split(' \n')[0].split(' ')[1:]
# write as : pPlane1.e[]
selEdges = ['pPlane1.e[{}]'.format(j.replace(' ','')) for j in indexes]
# merge the selection
# remove duplicated edges :
newSel = list(set(selOut))