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Azure RBAC Rest API call to get Object Type

I am using this call{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments?api-version=2015-07-01 to get role assignment of subscription. The output is of this gives principalId and other values

Question is How can I differentiate the principalId is user principal or serviceprincipal?

This is needed to for me to query graph api to get appid (if service principle) or display name , upn ( if user principle).

Graph APi has 2 different call for this hence while automating I need to know which one to be called based on object type.


Service Pricipal:


  • Graph APi has 2 different call for this hence while automating I need to know which one to be called based on object type.

    Based on my understanding, you could use the Objects - Get Objects By Object Ids Rest API to get the objects by principleid, no need to call 2 different calls. You also could get the object type from the response.


    I test with 2 principalids, one is the service principal and another is user.

    Test Result:

    enter image description here