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How to speed up deployments on AWS Fargate?

After migrating from EC2 cluster instances to AWS Fargate, I realized that deployments take a lot longer. Before they would take 1-2 minutes, now some deplyoments take up to 5 minutes. This post claims that their deployments on Fargate even take up to 10 minutes.

Does anybody know of a way to speed them up? I can't find any documentation on this topic.


  • Through further googling I found this Reddit thread. An AWS employee wrote:

    With regard to time to provision and start a container it is definitely longer when using Fargate. We may reduce the length of the provisioning state in the future, but Fargate is doing much more under the hood than ECS on your own self managed hosts. When you self manage hosts they are already up and running, and may even already have your docker image downloaded and cached locally, so ECS is able to launch the container very quickly. That's not the case with Fargate.

    So shrinking the image should help a little. But in general I guess I'll have to live with it and hope for optimizations on AWS' side.