I've to do little changes in AngularJS project. I've a .js
file which first line contains:
(function() { 'use strict';
angular.module( 'tableData' , [] )
.controller('TableDataController', function( $scope, $routeParams, $window, $modal, $filter, $q, toastr, $document ) {
This file is inside directives folder. I want to emit an event inside a function (which is triggered when I click in a button, this part is working with a console.debug
), that would be caught by a controller.
I've tried with $on.$emit
, but I can't get it, so I decided to use $rootScope.$broadcast
, but if I pass $rootScope
(injection) in .controller('TableDataController', function( $rootScope, ... )
, AngularJS shows an error telling that rootScope is not defined.
It doesn't happen if I do it in the controller.
Any idea?
I wouldn't need to fires an event if I could call a function from to one to the other file.
I think injection should be like this:
(function() { 'use strict';
angular.module( 'tableData' , [] )
.controller('TableDataController', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$routeParams',
'$window', '$modal', '$filter', '$q', 'toastr', '$document',
function( $rootScope, $scope , $routeParams ,
$window , $modal , $filter , $q , toastr, $document ) {}
and you can use $rootScope.$broadcast