I have read all of the docs and there doesnt seem to be too much to really explains the date functions, or the lack there of.
I am trying implement the AlarmManger which needs the time in milliseconds (ms) for the trigger. To test I took the current time and added 5 seconds and that was good.
// get a Calendar object with current time
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
// add 5 minutes to the calendar object
cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, 5);
If I have a date and time how would I get the ms for that time.
Like "3/2/2011 08:15:00"
How do I turn that into milliseconds?
Use this method.
method call for 3/2/2011 08:15:00
D2MS( 3, 2, 2011, 8, 15, 0);
public long D2MS(int month, int day, int year, int hour, int minute, int seconds) {
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.set(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds);
return c.getTimeInMillis();