Environment: Rails 3.0.4 and Ruby 1.9.2
I have the following form:
<%= form_tag( {:action => 'show', :format => :pdf}, :method => :post) do %>
.. list of items ...
<%= submit_tag "Show", :onclick => "return checkAllFields(4);", :remote => true %>
<select name="format">
<option name="HTML">HTML</option>
<option name="PDF">PDF</option>
<% end %>
As you can see, I've specified the format to be 'pdf' in the URL. What I want, is to request either HTML or PDF response from the controller based on the select option. Both of the queries work individually i.e. I can render either HTML or PDF but can't make it a dynamic user selection. (I can't even make it work with two separate hard-coded buttons)
Controller code is obviously
def show
# code to locate items here
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf { render :layout => false }
prawnto :filename => "list.pdf", :prawn => { }
I would try the following:
First, you may need to remove the hardcoded :format => :pdf
from the form tag (as it may override the option, below).
Next, make sure the select
tag is passing the right values. There's a helper you can use:
select_tag :format, options_for_select([["HTML", "html"], ["PDF", "pdf"]], "html")
which returns something like the following HTML:
<select id='format' name='format'>
<option value='html' selected='selected'>HTML</option>
<option value='pdf'>PDF</option>