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Installing Connector C for Mariadb

So, I want to use Mariadb. There is this Connector-C for it.

How do I install it? Quiet frankly, the documentation for it is horrible. Even the src file for 3.0.5 is linked to 3.0.4 page.

I did not find a way to install the binary, and the documentation for building from src is quiet vague. I would prefer to know how to install both ways (binary and build from source)

I'm using CentOS7 64bit.


  • The easiest way to install it would be to use the MariaDB package repository.

    curl -sS | sudo bash
    sudo yum -y install MariaDB-devel

    As for building from source, these steps should work on CentOS 7.

    sudo yum -y install git gcc openssl-devel make cmake
    git clone
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ../mariadb-connector-c/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
    sudo make install