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How to enable Bootstrap4 tooltips inside an Angular app

I'm trying to use Bootstrap4 tooltips in an Angular app built using the Angular CLI.

The Bootstrap4 alpha documentation says that I need to run this command in order to enable tooltips:

$(function () {

So, I've added a ngAfterViewInit() function in the app.component.ts to do that:

ngAfterViewInit() {

With this in the app html file:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Hi there!">
    Tooltip Test

I do see a tooltip when hovering over the button, but it is just a normal browser tooltip, not a Bootstrap4 tooltip.

At run time, I get the error:

ERROR ReferenceError: $ is not defined

Adding this line to the component does not help.

declare var $: any;

I've double-checked that the jquery, tether, and boostrap js files are included in that order in the scripts section of the project angular-cli.json file.

Any suggestions how I might get this to work?



  • You need to install jquery and bootstrap typings to make them available in Typescript and Angular.

    For bootstrap npm install --save @types/bootstrap For jquery npm install --save @types/jquery

    Import bootstrap as shown: import 'bootstrap'

    Import jquery this way import * as $ from 'jquery'

    Make sure to initialize bootstrap tooltip in ngAfterViewChecked `

    import 'bootstrap';
    import * as $ from 'jquery';
    //extras removed for brevity
    export class MyComponent implements AfterViewChecked {
      ngAfterViewChecked() {


    Hope this helps!