How can you put vim in an insert mode where the entire screen is effectively whitespace i.e. you can type anywhere?
I know it's possible, I just cannot remember the command, unfortunately!
This allows you to draw diagrams and whatnot easily, I hope this rings a bell?
Update: Thanks to @phd I made:
┏━━━[ Tasker Radars ]━━━┓
┃ 🔴 has 1 mile radius ┃
,,ggddY''''Ybbgg,, ┃ 🔵 has 5 mile radius ┃
,agd''' `''bg, ┃ 🌕 has 20 mile radius ┃
,gdP' 'Ybg, ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
,dP' 'Yb,
,dP' _,,ddP'''Ybb,,_ 'Yb,<━━━━━━ 20 miles
,8' ,dP'' `'Yb, '8,
,8' ,d' 'b,<━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 5 miles
,8' d' 'b `8,
d' d' ,gPPRg,<━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1 mile
8 8 dP' `Yb 8 8
8 8 8) (8 🔴 8 🔵 8 🌕
8 8 Yb 🔴 dP 8 8
8 Y, '8ggg8' ,P 8
Y, Ya aP ,P
`8, 'Ya 🔵 aP' ,8'
`8, 'Yb,_ _,dP' ,8'
`8a `''YbbgggddP''' a8'
`Yba adP'
'Yba 🌕 adY'
`'Yba, ,adP''
`'Y8ba, ,ad8P''
Set virtualedit
set virtualedit=insert