I am new to CVXOPT. I have tried out the example quadratic program (with 2 variables) in CVXOPT documentation, and I am able to understand it. Now I need to solve a quadratic programming problem with a large number of variables (eg: 100 variables). How can I do this using CVXOPT?
The problem that I want to solve is shown below.
Σ [ d(t) + x(t) ]² ; t=1, ....., 100
such that,
0 <= x(t) <= 10
Σ x(t) = 600
Here, d(t)
is known for t=(1, ...,100).
for t=(1, ...,100) are the decision variables.
Cheers !!!
cvxpy may be a bit easier:
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cvx
N = 100
d = np.random.uniform(-500,500,N)
x = cvx.Variable(N)
prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(x+d)), [x >= 0, x <= 10, sum(x) == 600])
v = x.value
This gives
[[ 3.65513295e-09]
[ 4.89791266e-09]
[ 3.05045765e-09]
[ 9.99999999e+00]
. . .
[ 1.00000000e+01]
[ 2.85640643e-09]
[ 5.42473434e-09]]