I get reviews from customers into azure data lake which are combined/formatted in U-SQL. Some of the customers leave a space in between their comment lines. Any idea how to remove these blank lines using U-Sql?
E.g of a single comment
My name is abc
<blank line>
I love playing football.
Need to remove the blank line in between. Trim() removes the start and end whitespaces only. Thanks.
You can use RegEx
and U-SQL to clean up your text, for example, this simple script replaces two carriage returns with a single carriage return, removing blank lines:
@input =
( 1, @"My name is abc
I love playing football." ),
( 2, @"I love U-SQL
I'm indifferent to Hadoop." )
) AS x( id, review );
// Strip out repeated carriage returns
@output =
Regex.Replace(review, "(\r\n){2}", "\r\n", RegexOptions.Multiline) AS cleanedReview
FROM @input;
OUTPUT @output
TO "/output/output.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv();
You may have to experiment with the RegEx expression to clean your particular data.