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MySQL Server: How to install without "Workbench"?

I am looking to install MySQL Server 5.6 without Workbench. I use Navicat for interfacing with MySQL. In fact, I want to install the bare minimum, so that I can just connect a database with my Coldfusion queries:


In the past, I have been overwhelmed by the amount of modules & pre installation config.

Can someone provide me with an installation routine that uses the bare minimum of config?


Windows 10 64-bit


Thanks for all the great answers. So, I tried out some of the options and found that the simplest was actually to use the installer, but rather than use the 'Developer' instance on the first screen, I chose the 'Server' instance, instead, which, surprise surprise, just installs the MySQL server and nothing else. The set up takes about 20 seconds and keeps the file count to a bare minimum. No VS or Workbench module downloads. And then I used the 'Developer' computer option on the next screen and that's it! I was able to connect Navicat GUI to the server, without any problems and, of course, the installer by default, sets MySQL up as a Windows Service, to automatically start after a computer restart.

So, I haven't connected any Coldfusion DSNs yet or executed any queries, but I am fairly sure, everything should work!


  • You can download a zip archive of MySQL 5.6 from here (

    When you unzip you end up with something like this

    enter image description here

    Now, from a "Command Prompt", you can go inside bin with cd c:\mysql-5.6.41-winx64\bin and run mysqld.exe, you'll see something like starting as process 16424 ... I suggest to keep this window open or minimized, but is not necessary for MySQL to keep running in background.

    By default it runs on localhost, port 3306 with a user root with no password. You can use this info when you connect from Navicat and when you setup the datasource in CF Administrator.

    To gracefully stop the MySQL server instance, open a "Command Prompt", again inside bin, and run mysqladmin.exe -u root shutdown

    Update (to run as service automatic at system restart)

    • Add the path of bin directory (c:\mysql-5.6.41-winx64\bin) to your Path system environment variable
    • Open command prompt as Administrator
    • Run, mysqld –install
    • Go to system Services, find the MySQL in the list
    • Right click on MySQL then on Properties
    • Click on Start (also you can select Startup type as Automatic)

    To uninstall the above installed service (it's named MySQL), open a command prompt as Administrator, then run sc delete MySQL