I have a dataset with longitude and latitude coordinates. I want to retrieve the corresponding census tract. Is there a dataset or api that would allow me to do this?
My dataset looks like this:
lat lon
1 40.61847 -74.02123
2 40.71348 -73.96551
3 40.69948 -73.96104
4 40.70377 -73.93116
5 40.67859 -73.99049
6 40.71234 -73.92416
I want to add a column with the corresponding census tract.
Final output should look something like this (these are not the right numbers, just an example).
lat lon Census_Tract_Label
1 40.61847 -74.02123 5.01
2 40.71348 -73.96551 20
3 40.69948 -73.96104 41
4 40.70377 -73.93116 52.02
5 40.67859 -73.99049 58
6 40.71234 -73.92416 60
The tigris
package includes a function called call_geolocator_latlon
that should do what you're looking for. Here is some code using
> coord <- data.frame(lat = c(40.61847, 40.71348, 40.69948, 40.70377, 40.67859, 40.71234),
+ long = c(-74.02123, -73.96551, -73.96104, -73.93116, -73.99049, -73.92416))
> coord$census_code <- apply(coord, 1, function(row) call_geolocator_latlon(row['lat'], row['long']))
> coord
lat long census_code
1 40.61847 -74.02123 360470152003001
2 40.71348 -73.96551 360470551001009
3 40.69948 -73.96104 360470537002011
4 40.70377 -73.93116 360470425003000
5 40.67859 -73.99049 360470077001000
6 40.71234 -73.92416 360470449004075
As I understand it, the 15 digit code is several codes put together (the first two being the state, next three the county, and the following six the tract). To get just the census tract code I'd just use the substr
function to pull out those six digits.
> coord$census_tract <- substr(coord$census_code, 6, 1)
> coord
lat long census_code census_tract
1 40.61847 -74.02123 360470152003001 015200
2 40.71348 -73.96551 360470551001009 055100
3 40.69948 -73.96104 360470537002011 053700
4 40.70377 -73.93116 360470425003000 042500
5 40.67859 -73.99049 360470077001000 007700
6 40.71234 -73.92416 360470449004075 044900
I hope that helps!