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How to return a pure value from a impure method

I know it must sound trivial but I was wondering how you can unwrap a value from a functor and return it as pure value?

I have tried:

f::IO a->a
f x=(x>>=) 

f= >>=

What should I place in the right side? I can't use return since it will wrap it back again.


  • It's a frequently asked question: How do I extract 'the' value from my monad, not only in Haskell, but in other languages as well. I have a theory about why this question keeps popping up, so I'll try to answer according to that; I hope it helps.

    Containers of single values

    You can think of a functor (and therefore also a monad) as a container of values. This is most palpable with the (redundant) Identity functor:

    Prelude Control.Monad.Identity> Identity 42
    Identity 42

    This is nothing but a wrapper around a value, in this case 42. For this particular container, you can extract the value, because it's guaranteed to be there:

    Prelude Control.Monad.Identity> runIdentity $ Identity 42

    While Identity seems fairly useless, you can find other functors that seem to wrap a single value. In F#, for example, you'll often encounter containers like Async<'a> or Lazy<'a>, which are used to represent asynchronous or lazy computations (Haskell doesn't need the latter, because it's lazy by default).

    You'll find lots of other single-value containers in Haskell, such as Sum, Product, Last, First, Max, Min, etc. Common to all of those is that they wrap a single value, which means that you can extract the value.

    I think that when people first encounter functors and monads, they tend to think of the concept of a data container in this way: as a container of a single value.

    Containers of optional values

    Unfortunately, some common monads in Haskell seem to support that idea. For example, Maybe is a data container as well, but one that can contain zero or one value. You can, unfortunately, still extract the value if it's there:

    Prelude Data.Maybe> fromJust $ Just 42

    The problem with this is that fromJust isn't total, so it'll crash if you call it with a Nothing value:

    Prelude Data.Maybe> fromJust Nothing
    *** Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing

    You can see the same sort of problem with Either. Although I'm not aware of a built-in partial function to extract a Right value, you can easily write one with pattern matching (if you ignore the compiler warning):

    extractRight :: Either l r -> r
    extractRight (Right x) = x

    Again, it works in the 'happy path' scenario, but can just as easily crash:

    Prelude> extractRight $ Right 42
    Prelude> extractRight $ Left "foo"
    *** Exception: <interactive>:12:1-26: Non-exhaustive patterns in function extractRight

    Still, since functions like fromJust exists, I suppose it tricks people new to the concept of functors and monads into thinking about them as data containers from which you can extract a value.

    When you encounter something like IO Int for the first time, then, I can understand why you'd be tempted to think of it as a container of a single value. In a sense, it is, but in another sense, it isn't.

    Containers of multiple values

    Even with lists, you can (attempt to) extract 'the' value from a list:

    Prelude> head [42..1337]

    Still, it could fail:

    Prelude> head []
    *** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list

    At this point, however, it should be clear that attempting to extract 'the' value from any arbitrary functor is nonsense. A list is a functor, but it contains an arbitrary number of values, including zero and infinitely many.

    What you can always do, though, is to write functions that take a 'contained' value as input and returns another value as output. Here's an arbitrary example of such a function:

    countAndMultiply :: Foldable t => (t a, Int) -> Int
    countAndMultiply (xs, factor) = length xs * factor

    While you can't 'extract the value' out of a list, you can apply your function to each of the values in a list:

    Prelude> fmap countAndMultiply [("foo", 2), ("bar", 3), ("corge", 2)]

    Since IO is a functor, you can do the same with it as well:

    Prelude> foo = return ("foo", 2) :: IO (String, Int)
    Prelude> :t foo
    foo :: IO (String, Int)
    Prelude> fmap countAndMultiply foo

    The point is that you don't extract a value from a functor, you step into the functor.


    Sometimes, the function you apply to a functor returns a value that's already wrapped in the same data container. As an example, you may have a function that splits a string over a particular character. To keep things simple, let's just look at the built-in function words that splits a string into words:

    Prelude> words "foo bar"

    If you have a list of strings, and apply words to each, you'll get a nested list:

    Prelude> fmap words ["foo bar", "baz qux"]

    The result is a nested data container, in this case a list of lists. You can flatten it with join:

    Prelude Control.Monad> join $ fmap words ["foo bar", "baz qux"]

    This is the original definition of a monad: it's a functor that you can flatten. In modern Haskell, Monad is defined by bind (>>=), from which one can derive join, but it's also possible to derive >>= from join.

    IO as all values

    At this point, you may be wondering: what does that have to do with IO? Isn't IO a a container of a single value of the type a?

    Not really. One interpretation of IO is that it's a container that holds an arbitrary value of the type a. According to that interpretation, it's analogous to the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. IO a is the superposition of all possible values of the type a.

    In Schrödinger's original thought experiment, the cat in the box is both alive and dead until observed. That's two possible states superimposed. If we think about a variable called catIsAlive, it would be equivalent to the superposition of True and False. So, you can think of IO Bool as a set of possible values {True, False} that will only collapse into a single value when observed.

    Likewise, IO Word8 can be interpreted as a superposition of the set of all possible Word8 values, i.e. {0, 1, 2,.. 255}, IO Int as the superposition of all possible Int values, IO String as all possible String values (i.e. an infinite set), and so on.

    So how do you observe the value, then?

    You don't extract it, you work within the data container. You can, as shown above, fmap and join over it. So, you can write your application as pure functions that you then compose with impure values with fmap, >>=, join, and so on.