I'm trying to insert new classes by using Sparql in TopBraid Composer (ME 5.5.2). My simple ontology looks like this:
Then I wrote a Sparql query to insert Berry
as a subclass of Fruit
PREFIX ft: <http://www.semanticweb.org/ontologies/2018/7/fruit#>
PREFIX rdfs: <ttp://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
{ft:Berry rdfs:subClassOf ft:Fruit}
But an error message appeared, saying Encountered "insert". Was expecting one of: "base, "select", ...
A similar post: Sparql insert data not working says that Sparql Query is a different language from Sparql Update. Some other post says that Sparql Update is not supported in Protege but is supported in Composer (for which reason I downloaded Composer). I also checked the Composer manual: https://www.topquadrant.com/docs/TBC-Getting-Started-Guide52.pdf, which mentions Sparql Update but doesn't say much.
My question then is, is it possible to insert classes and axioms in TopBraid? If so, how? My end goal is that the inserted classes will appear in the hierarchical view, and their inserted class definitions can be seen on the side as well. If Composer can't do this, what other tools/workflows can I use?
Sorry for such a newbie question. Any help is appreciated.
There are two forms of INSERT
in SPARQL 1.1 Update:
You are mixing them up.
The following works for me in TBC 5.5.2 Free Edition against the kennedys.ttl
{ kennedys:UralStateUniversity a kennedys:College }
Being an unknown URI, the subject is underlined in query editor, but just press the "Execute SPARQL" button.
In your particular case, you should say something like
{ ft:Berry rdfs:subClassOf ft:Fruit; a owl:Class }
Please note that owl:Class
is used. TBC considers instances of rdfs:Class
as "system classes", their icons are brown, not yellow.