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How to instantiate ViewController and retain the navigation bar at the top of the ViewController presented?

In a TabBar controller I have multiple ViewControllers. I would like to access MediaDetailTableViewController from ProfileTVC and pass some data to it without using segues.
The schema of the StoryBoard is like this:

Tab Bar
1. Nav -> NewsFeed -> MediaDetailTableViewController
2. Nav - > ProfileTVC
From ProfileTVC I want to instantiate MediaDetailTableViewController and pass some data to it.
Using the method shown below it passes the data, but it looses the navigation bar at the top, thus I can't go back to ProfileTVC. Also, it takes about 2 seconds to instantiate MediaDetailTableViewController.

//code inside ProfileTVC
 if let selectedIndex = tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow,
        selectedIndex.section != 0 && selectedIndex.section != 1 {
 let mediaDetailTVC = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "MediaDetailTableViewController") as! MediaDetailTableViewController
    mediaDetailTVC.currentUser = currentUser = media[selectedIndex.section]
       self.present(mediaDetailTVC, animated: true, completion: nil)


  • PUSH instead of present
