I have list with the following data:
["asdf mkol ghth", "dfcf 5566 7766", "7uy7 jhjh ffvf"]
I want to use regular expressions in python to get a list of tuples like this
[("asdf", "mkol ghth"),("dfcf", "5566 7766"),("7uy7", "jhjh ffvf")]
I tried using re.split, but I am getting an error saying too many values to unpack. following is my code:
logTuples = [()]
for log in logList:
(logid, logcontent) = re.split(r"(\s)", log)
logTuples.append((logid, logcontent))
Regex is overkill here:
l = ["asdf mkol ghth", "dfcf 5566 7766", "7uy7 jhjh ffvf"]
lst = [tuple(i.split(maxsplit=1)) for i in l]
[('asdf', 'mkol ghth'), ('dfcf', '5566 7766'), ('7uy7', 'jhjh ffvf')]