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Why is it possible to use BT.709 in H.264 to represent more colors than BT.601?

Why is it possible to use BT.709 in H.264 to represent more colors than BT.601? I think that for YUV, they are all only Y, U, and V data. When converting to RGB, only different matrices are used. Using different matrices may cause U to become more V and less. BT.709 It is not possible to indicate more colors than BT.601. Or there is a color that BT.709 cannot represent but BT.601 can represent.Can anyone tell me where the mistake is.


  • 601, and 709 can display the same number of colors. 601s colors tend to map better to what a CRT can actually display, where as 709 maps to LCD. However 601 more commonly uses partial range, meaning each byte is encoded using the range 16-235, where as it is common to use full range with 709 (0-255). This is because partial range leaves padding at the extremes for analog distribution. Since the broadcast TV digital switch over happened in the US around the same time as everybody change from CRT to LCD the range/space tend to be linked.