In the process of teaching myself how to optimally design and build a database I've stumbled on the following question: what's the optimal way to store GEO-locations for addresses?
After doing some research I've found out there are two possibilities. Using either the MySQL geometry
function and storing them as a point(lon, lat)
in a single column.
Or storing them in 2 seperate columns as lon float(10,6)
and float(10,6)
However I've found little information on how many bytes a geometry function would use to store information.
Sample create table script
CREATE TABLE lonlatAsGeometry (
INSERT INTO lonlatAsGeometry VALUES (1, point(38.34886, -130.42156));
Sample #2
CREATE TABLE lonlatAsFloat (
lon FLOAT(10,6),
lat FLOAT(10,6)
INSERT INTO lonlatAsFloat VALUES (1, 38.34886, -130.42156);
I've found out that a float
uses 4 bytes to store data,
whilst a point
uses up to 25 bytes depending on the length of the values in it.
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