I was just wondering why we have to apply this solution to hide an existing menuitem from all users (administrator with technical features included):
Remove or hide a menu item in Odoo
I mean, can anyone explain me why this does not work?
<record id="stock_account.menu_action_history_tree" model="ir.ui.menu">
<field name="groups_id" eval="[(6, 0, [])]"/>
After this, if I go to the interface and check this menuitem record in the technical features section, I can see that the groups_id
many2many list is empty. So, why is the administrator still able to see it?
I think you have to make action false to hide the menutitem, This helps
<record id="stock_account.menu_action_history_tree" model="ir.ui.menu">
<field name="action" eval="False"/>