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Cannot find the file URL using'post',url,true) - Status: 404 node js

Trying to Upload an image by XMLHttpRequest(), have issue understanding what is the correct URL to access file via

Following this example for server side code and everything..

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'post','../../../../server/routes/saveImage.js',true);
  xhr.onload = function() {
    if(this.status ==200) {
    } else {
      reject (this.statusText);

The Project directory is something like this

  • Project
    • client
      • app
        • component
          • product
            • addproduct.js <-- is called from here
    • server
      • routes
        • saveImage.js <-- File being called

Also regarding paths let me know if there is a more convenient way to check the access path or absolute path to use in url.


  • The problem indeed was with setting up a server side route, this was mostly clarified, thanks to the answer from @Arkita and comment from @Kasper. But I went ahead to dig for a solution, which may not be very useful to others as this was a dumb question in the first place, but here it goes..

    On client side'post','/saveImage/save',true);

    on server side if you are using Express.js or other connect based frameworks'/saveImage/save',(req,res,next)=> {....})

    Also the example I linked above may be outdated, this seems more helpful.