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How to add click alert on each box using Javascript function constructor?

Html code:

    <div class="box green">I'm green!</div>
    <div class="box blue">I'm blue!</div>
    <div class="box orange">I'm orange!</div>

CSS code here:

    .green { background-color: green; }
    .blue { background-color: dodgerblue; }
    .orange { background-color: orangered; }

JavaScript code here using object literal syntax : // want to apply same effect to box2 and box3

var box1 = {
color: 'Green',
number: 1,
clickMe: function () {
    var green = document.querySelector('.green');
    var self = this;

    green.addEventListener('click', function () {

        var str = 'This is box number ' + self.number + ' and it is ' + self.color;






  • If you wish to use a constructor you can use a class. You can use a constructor like so (see snippet), where it accepts a color and a number.

    You then need to modify your function within the addEventListener to be an arrow function (() => {}) so it references the correct this when called.

    Lastly, when creating your boxes you need to provide a color and a number as defined by the constructor (var myBox = new Box(COLOR, NUMBER)):

    class Box {
      constructor(color, number) {
        this.color = color;
        this.number = number;
      clickMe() {
        var elem = document.querySelector('.' + this.color);
        elem.addEventListener('click', () => {
          var str = 'This is box number ' + this.number + ' and it is ' + this.color;
    var box1 = new Box('green', 1);
    var box2 = new Box('blue', 2);
    var box3 = new Box('orange', 3);
    .green { background-color: green; }
    .blue { background-color: dodgerblue; }
    .orange { background-color: orangered; }
    <div class="box green">I'm green!</div>
    <div class="box blue">I'm blue!</div>
    <div class="box orange">I'm orange!</div>