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Detecting if an alert with a specific window name appears using Marathon Testing Tool/Ruby

I currently am using Marathon (Java Automation tool for testing) that runs a Ruby script on a Java application and need to detect if a specific alert appears. For example, I want it to press "Accept" on a row in a while loop and handle potential pop-up alerts during the process.

Only 2 pop-ups can appear during this process of accepting.

If a popup with the window title "Are you sure?" appears, I want it to press enter or click "OK" as usual.

But, if a popup with the window title "Message" (which indicates error), I want it to press "OK" and exit the while loop. Exiting the while loop should be trivial to code after I figure out a way to differentiate the two pop-ups.


  • Try using get_window and check the title with what you are expecting. Alternatively you can execute arbitrary Java code using driver.execute_script that can look for alert windows and do the needful.

    #{{{ Marathon
    require_fixture 'default'
    #}}} Marathon
    def test
        with_window("SwingSet3") {
            select("JOptionPane", "true")
            option = Random.rand(2)
            if(option == 0)
              click("Show Warning Dialog")
              click("Show Confirmation Dialog")
            if(get_window == "Warning Dialog Example")
              with_window("Warning Dialog Example") {
            if(get_window == "Select an Option")
              with_window("Select an Option") {
              with_window("Message") {